What is white that you have seen?
Is a romantic and warm white auditorium;
Is the snow covered mountains and rivers;
It is fashionable and elegant household space.
ach kind of white, is the yearning of the heart,
Follow the inner yearning, light the flame of life.
格林白Green white — — ——— 格林白朴素的洁白像像雪花一大块一大块在地面瓷砖铺选取来的空间如神话里落满像雪花的城堡砖面纹理图片成稳大气层,描画出一款个动听绝伦的地方,使人变忍俊不禁想翩翩舞动。Brick surface texture composed atmosphere, outline a wonderful space, people can not help but want to dance.
区域以黄白色彩的运用的搭配为重色彩的运用的搭配,黄白色是的百搭色,也是最能极致能够 某些色彩的运用的色。现当代背景图墙上边,吊顶着黑白的点缀画,为区域改变突出,也能够 出现当代区域的轻奢主义美丽。 格林白铺就的的空间像是童话故事照入现实主义者,真正又梦幻西游端游,最让人生畏充满期待。 .................................時尚商务迅速当上年轻化一代名将的代专有名词,的追求時尚商务是对日常质量的规定。来源奥地利的時尚商务风格,在各种业务领域延伸,但時尚商务与瓷砖胶交融合,的空间也可以释放出出风情万种的知性优雅。 慕格拉灰Longed for granite grey — — —————— 以時尚为笔,以墙砖为纸,相应一画刻化出两幅幅径典时尚的贴图的图案能够 时尚风与众其他的魅丽 慕格拉灰瓷片重构时髦潮流的设计制作感,而非突显更是顺畅,有轮廓的时髦潮流空間。
Longed for granite grey ceramic tile fusion fashion design sense, to show a more fluid, with beautiful line fashion space.