晴天的星空,湛蓝的天空,三千里无云,一大块和谐;The sky was clear, blue, cloudless, and peaceful;阴天的天上,灰蒙蒙,非常许压抑感,透着丝丝爱答不理;The cloudy sky, grey, a little depressed, with a trace of indifference;早上的天空6,烟霭未散,在烟霭的包裹在下,给人矇眬感;The early morning sky, the fog has not dispersed, in the fog shrouded, give a hazy feeling;晚上的天空6,繁星豆豆,在光与影的交叠中散发着浪慢的调式。At night, the sky, stars, in the light and shadow of the crisscrossed in a romantic tone.